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Vandana Pitke
Jun 2, 20175 min read
Homeopathy For Lyme Disease
Lyme disease got its name from a town in Connecticut where physicians were treating an unusually large number of cases of what was first...
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Vandana Pitke
May 17, 20173 min read
What makes you unique? Know the Ayurvedic Doshas
Have you ever wondered what actually accounts for differences in people? Why are some people hyperactive and fast moving, while others...
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Vandana Pitke
May 16, 20171 min read
Vaat Nashak Mudra
Practice of Vaat naashak mudra pacifies the aggravated Vaat humor. It is an excellent mudra for people with a aggravated Vaat...
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Vandana Pitke
May 16, 20172 min read
Balancing Vaat
The alleviating factors of the Vaat are those which bring about Snigdha – unctuousness, oiliness Guru – heaviness, Ushna – heat,...
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Vandana Pitke
May 16, 20173 min read
Vaat Imbalance Symptoms
The Vaat dosha is the most important of the three doshas. If Vaat becomes imbalanced for long enough and sufficiently enough, it can also...
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Vandana Pitke
May 16, 20173 min read
Vaat Dosha
Is your skin dry, rough, thin? Are you underweight? Is your mind constantly in a whirl? Do you worry incessantly? Are you constantly...
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Vandana Pitke
May 12, 20171 min read
Pran Mudra : For Reducing Pitta
Popularly known as Praan mudra. The word “Pran” means life. The practice of Pran Mudra strengthens all the five pran in our body.It is...
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Vandana Pitke
May 12, 20173 min read
Balance/ Regulate The Pitta
Pitta is oily, sharp, hot, light, spreading, and liquid, so eating foods that neutralize these qualities; foods that are dry, mild,...
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Vandana Pitke
May 11, 20177 min read
Homeopathy For Hormonal Imbalance
FOR GIRLS OF OR AROUND THE AGE OF MENARCHE PULSATILLA Yields excellent results in PCOS AND Given constitutionally it regulates high...
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Vandana Pitke
May 9, 20173 min read
Pitta Dosha
I am too HOT... Call police and the fireman Too HOT .... Say my name you know who I am (AND I say Oh yeah....) One of my Favorite songs...
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Vandana Pitke
May 8, 20171 min read
Mudra For balancing Kapha
Kapha Nashak Mudra Method: This mudra is formed by first placing the ring and the little fingers on the base of the thumb and then...
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Vandana Pitke
Apr 25, 20173 min read
Seasonal Allergies: Ayurvedic Tips
Spring oh spring you bring us hope !!!! Hope that blows with singing wind passing by Joy of new life is sprinkled over from the blue sky...
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Vandana Pitke
Apr 25, 20173 min read
Homeopathy For Seasonal Allergies
Ahh, Spring! All winter long we anticipate the warmer weather, chirping birds, and blooming flowers. But for one in four Americans,...
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Vandana Pitke
Apr 24, 20173 min read
Balancing Kapha
In last post we learned what is Kapha and what are the symptoms when it gets aggravated or increased. Here are some tips to BALANCE the...
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Vandana Pitke
Apr 24, 20176 min read
Kapha Dosha
• Is your digestion slow? Do you feel heavy after meals? • Do you seem to accumulate weight just by looking at food? • Are you often...
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Vandana Pitke
Mar 26, 20172 min read
Dry Skin in Spring
As the temperatures start to rise, sloughing off dead cells can renew and refresh your skin for spring. Even though skin exfoliation...
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Vandana Pitke
Mar 23, 20173 min read
Homeopathic Remedies For Sinusitis
Sinusitis, also known as a sinus infection or rhinosinusitis, is inflammation of the sinuses resulting in symptoms. Common signs and...
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Vandana Pitke
Mar 23, 20172 min read
Homeopathy For Painful Period
When it comes to that time of the month, mild cramping, bloating, and heaviness . The crippling cramps, heavy bleeding, serious fatigue...
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Vandana Pitke
Mar 23, 20173 min read
Homeopathy for Insomnia
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not...
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Vandana Pitke
Mar 23, 20174 min read
Homeopathy for Constipation
What is Constipation? Constipation is a condition whereby the stools become difficult to pass, or stop moving altogether for some time....
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