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Homeopathy For Hormonal Imbalance

Writer's picture: Vandana PitkeVandana Pitke



Yields excellent results in PCOS AND Given constitutionally it regulates high estrogen metabolism with progesterone imbalance.

Highly emotional and feminine people who fear being neglected, feel easily slighted and craves sympathy. Though generally mild mannered, their personalities can bend "which ever way the wind blows," changeable, blowing hot and cold. Constant and lifelong fears of anything or everything, with fixed ideas about religion, sex and food. They are weighed down by their anxiety and feel cautious, discouraged and suicidal. Depression with feelings of abandonment, neglect and dependency on others.


This is a medicine for girls who have grown too rapidly. They are fat and flabby and are extremely sensitive to cold. In fact, they feel cold all over. They sweat excessively especially on their heads. They are known to have early puberty and the menses are too early, too profuse and last for a very long time. Sometimes the periods return from the slightest emotional causes. As small children they may have had problems with their growth because of the poor calcium assimilation. They tend to have deformed and curved bones and due to their obesity, they cannot take their body weight and so appear to be slow in learning to walk. The child craves eggs, sweets and even indigestible things. She has an aversion to milk and meat.


This is a child who appears to be just the opposite in appearance to the Calcarea carbonica child. Though both grow too rapidly, she is lean and thin and appears emaciated. The menses may start at a very early age and the bleeding is bright red, profuse and lasts for a number of days. She is a chilly child and craves spicy and pungent food, salt and ice-cold things. She seems to dislike sweets.



Changeable, unpredictable, hysterical, easily offended.

Laughing then weeping in the same sentence.

Weeping in sobs, away from company.

Sighing with grief or disappointment

Sensation of a lump in the throat

Ailments following grief – eg. Numbness, paralysis, twitches, missed periods, hair loss.

From grief or sudden disappointment They are on an emotional roller-coaster and there is emotional intensity and can enjoy being sad. They suffer many internal conflict with themselves.


Sepia is mainly a female remedy. It is know as the ‘washer-woman’s remedy’, WOMEN who need this remedy:

Are worn down




Perspire profusely

Need air

Must sit down and cross their legs, as they feel their insides will fall out

Are so worn out they can appear indifferent to their loved ones


This is another very useful remedy during menopause. Like all the acids, weakness and debility are common to this remedy, especially in the digestive tract, giving a very relaxed feeling to the stomach, and a craving for stimulants. They feel a weakenss out of all propotion to the problem. It affects the blood and blood vessels, causing haemorrhages of thin, black blood. Other symptoms of this remedy are:

Prolapse of vagina and uterus from weakness

Flushes of heat, followed by sweating and a trembling all over


Weepiness over the slightest thing.

They can have nightmares before or after periods. They must do everything in a hurry. They get angry and impatient because things move so slowly. No one does anything to please them.


Lachesis is an important remedy during the menopause, and is often called for in women who have never felt well since the onset of menopause. Other menopausal symptoms of this remedy are:





Periods every twenty-one days

Periods profuse

Generally worse before menses, and pains and mood better once the flow starts

Hot flushes, with headaches, palpitations and hot sweats

Headaches, especially in the vertex, with burning sensations

Some nausea, diarrhea or haemorrhoids

The left ovary can also be painful and swollen, and there may be prolapsed uterus. Women may be asthmatic since reaching the menopause. They generally feel worse in the mornings, can’t stand the heat and are hypersensitive to any tight clothing at the neck or waist.


From extensive research done by the American homeopath, Melissa Assilem, she has seen that many women had symptoms between ovulation and menses and many of them had taken the Pill in the past, or their mothers had taken the Pill before they were conceived. This is a very useful remedy for women with hormonal symptoms who may have used the Pill, and also useful for symptoms during the menopause.

Melissa Assilem says: ‘Folliculinum is a really brilliant remedy around menopause. It pretty well covers the whole range of physical and mental symptoms we might find at this time.’

There will often be a history of abuse, sexual, physical or psychological. The woman may have had a very strict upbringing. She can be unfocused, feel ‘spaced’ and may totally lose herself in her relationships.

Assilem expands on the symptoms: ‘She becomes addicted to rescuing people. She feels drained. She has become a door-mat. She has forgotten who she is, she has no individuality.’

Folliculinum can help restore the will and re-empower the person. It is generally seen after this remedy that the person takes control of her life again, finds her own identity, becomes her own rescuer and won’t allow herself to be used ever again. It allows people to break the patterns from the past that they find hard to change. It helps to restore clarity.

Possible physical symptoms of Folliculinum during menopause:

Restless, hyperactive, worse at rest

Dizziness and faintness

Puts on weight without overeating, as much as 7lbs/3kg before menses

Huge food cravings, especially for sugar, sweets

Cycle irregularities


Hot flushes, night sweats

Abdominal heaviness


Vaginal dryness

Hormonal imbalance in men are Agnus Castus, Nuphar Luteum ,Selenium Lycopodium and Staphysagria


Is recommended for erectile dysfunction. complete impotency ; The erections are totally absent with relaxed, flaccid genitals. Aversion to sex


Is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for hormone imbalance where the condition leads to a low sex drive in men; or sexual desire is completely lost. This is usually accompanied by involuntary emissions during stool and urination.


Is indicated for hair loss from whiskers and genitals in men as a result of hormone imbalance. disorders like impotency, chronic fatigue syndrome, sterility, depression etc. This remedy is often helpful to men who have diminished sexual ability, especially if the problem starts after a fever or exhausting illness. The person feels weak and exhausted, but interest is usually still present. Erection is slow, insufficient, weak and has involuntary seminal emissions. Unsual hair-loss (body hair or eyebrows) can also suggest a need for Selenium.


Is prescribed when erections are weak, with premature ejaculation. People who need this remedy may have problems with erections because of worry, and can also be troubled by memory loss. They often lack self-confidence (though some may overcompensate by acting egoistically). People who need this remedy often have digestive problems with gas and bloating, and an energy slump in the late afternoon and evening.


Is often an indicated remedy when there is a history of abuse. This can either be physical, sexual or emotional misuse of power and the sufferer generally does not have the ability to fight back for whatever reason.

Gentle-natured, quiet men with deep emotions may respond to this remedy. Problems with impotence often occur from embarrassment or shyness. People who need this remedy often have a history of emotional suppression and very sensitive feelings


Is very effective among Homeopathic medicines for hormone imbalance where it leads to hair loss from the scalp, whiskers and genitals in men. Weakness and fatigue are also predominately present in such cases.

For Thyroid Hormone Imbalance



Works well in hyperthyroidism ; major weight loss in spite of eating well. Along with losing flesh, the person complains of heated sensation in body, restlessness, nervousness and anxiety. Palpitations from light exertion. Anxiety when quiet. Present anxiety and depression, no reference to the future. Sudden impulse to run and do violence. Forgetful. Must be busy. Fear of people, shuns every one. Melancholy. Suicidal tendency.


For Hyperthyroidism . Depressed, nervous and irritable, Weight loss, emaciation – markedly on the neck, is a major concern. Weakness, increased heart rate and palpitations from emotional imbalance or exertion. There is a deep and often unfulfilled need for the security and warmth of maternal love, protection and nurturing in the Nat mur being, with an inability or unconscious reluctance to solicit, attract or accept the very sustenance they long for. The conditioning that it is weak to reveal dependency and needfulness compounds this. As a result they experience a sense of having been rejected or forsaken, left to their own fate, and therefore feel that they must be unimportant, unworthy of love and unlovable. In Nat mur this conclusion is attended by a persistent, even life-long feeling of resentment and grievance. There is no warmth in the childhood memories of mother, possibly only an awareness of indifference, criticism, harsh discipline and even neglect or abuse.



Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carbonica assumes the top most position in homeopathy for treating hypothyroid cases. It is one of the best homeopathic remedy for hypothyroidism. Its use is highly recommended in obese people who are always chilly and cannot tolerate cold air. The patient requiring this medicine is fair complexioned, fatty and flabby. Excessive sweating on head is a leading feature for its use in hypothyroid patients. Certain peculiarities in eating habits like craving for boiled eggs, desire for indigestible things like chalk, pencils, lime, and aversion to take fats also guide towards its use in patients of hypothyroidism. This homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism can also help in relieving constipation in hypothyroid patients; the peculiar feature is that the first part of stool is hard and is followed by soft stool. This medicine proves to be very efficacious in women with hypothyroidism who suffer from very profuse menses that continue for long durations and occur earlier than the expected date. Coldness of feet is always present during the menstrual period.


Graphites is mainly used for those patients of hypothyroidism who are very obeseand take on cold very easily. The long standing constipation where the stool is hard and passes with great difficulty in lumps can be treated with this medicine. Such patients also complain of fullness in abdomen due to obstruction of flatus and desire to loosen the clothing to get relief. Mentally the patient is very depressed, sad and weeps easily on listening to music. Timidity and inability to take decisions may also be present.

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