-Abdomen feels bloated and full. Ineffectual urges and straining with bowel movements lead to hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
-May have a heavy, sagging feeling in the pelvis.
-May be worn out from previous births or the demands of the household.
-Inflamed, achy hemorrhoids are painful when touched, and may bleed.
-Stools are large, hard, difficult to pass, with a burning sensation afterwards.
-Craves sweets; have bloating and much gas; are hungry but easily full.
-Constipation is worse after travel.
-May be generally mild- tempered but bossy and domineering at home.
-This is a good remedy for bleeding hemorrhoids that protrude, pulsate, and itch.
-Varicose veins may appear on the abdomen and legs along with ankle swelling after being on feet all day.
-The varicose veins are especially worse with heat and may impair the ability to walk.
-May also have nosebleeds.